What is

a dedicated virtual server?

A dedicated virtual server is a compartment on a physical server, that to the end-user looks like an independent server. It is, in fact, operating on the physical server along with other dedicated servers that are allotted to different users. Each dedicated server has its own operating system and runs a different set of software along with unique user data. It is likely that the customers will share certain hardware components such as server nodes. 

1 What is a dedicated virtual server?2 When businesses use dedicated virtual servers3 When is a Dedicated Virtual Server not the best option4 Conclusion

A Virtual Private Server is rendered with the help of virtualization software that divides the physical server into several virtual machines, each with its own operating system and capability to be modified as per the client’s requirements.


businesses use dedicated virtual servers

Businesses have several advantages of using a virtual private server. Below are some of the most important advantages. Manageable costs While dedicated servers might still be in vogue for various reasons, virtual server hosting is by far the more affordable alternative. Importantly, it provides root and admin permissions that are not available with shared hosting. It offers greater flexibility than shared hosting while not increasing the costs substantially. Businesses get their own dedicated memory and bandwidth allocation within the virtual network. Better privacy Despite supporting multiple tenants, virtual machines can only access the operating system, not the server itself. In other words, one VM cannot interfere with the operations of another VM even when both of them are on the same server. This ensures that data privacy and security are guaranteed for each user. Flexible customizations Dedicated Virtual Server Hosting makes it possible for end-users to run applications that require greater technical flexibility than a shared hosting plan would allow. With full root-access that permits installation and deleting of software, along with the ability to set permissions and even rebooting the server, a virtual private server is a much better choice than both shared hosting and on-premises server especially because it allows users to add File Transfer Protocol sites, mail servers, and customized applications and databases while hosting several domains on the same VM.

When is a Dedicated Virtual Server not the best option

While a dedicated virtual server behaves like a dedicated server, some businesses might find that it is missing the same degree of performance as a dedicated server. On one hand, a dedicated virtual server does share resources with its peers, unlike a dedicated server. A part of the problem can be solved by using desktop as a service (DaaS), which is more scalable. The other concern is security. Although VMs do not interact with each other, there is a certain degree of risk involved in sharing resources. That problem too can be solved by opting for a cloud hosting solution like Windows Virtual Desktop that provides good security and control for meeting compliance and regulatory requirements.


A virtual dedicated server is the best option for businesses that require to handle relatively heavy tasks that cannot be handled by shared servers but do not have the budget to purchase and maintain their own servers. A cloud hosting solution would be the better choice for higher scalability and security requirements.

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