Further, notifications can be muted for various intervals, unlike the previously available two options. Also, there’s a Snapchat-like auto-delete chat option after a specified period. And finally, a huge update to Telegram bots that can help businesses. Here’s in detail;
Telegram New Features in v8.7.0
Though Telegram is seen as one of the generic alternatives to WhatsApp today, it’s undoubtedly the best instant messager in the market now. The platform is receiving new updates every month, and the number of features it possesses is unmatchable with the rivals. With that strike, Telegram rolled out v8.7.0 today to its Android and iOS clients, where it brought a host of new features. These include the ability to create and set custom notifications – like the ones from your music library or even the background score of your favorite memes! And with Telegram’s cloud-based architecture, tones uploaded via one device can be accessed from another. Future, there’s the ability to mute notifications for custom durations, unlike the only two options – default eight hours or two days – we have now. In this version, Telegram added a chat auto-delete option similar to Snapchat’s, where the conversation automatically gets deleted after a pre-set period. And at last, there’s the up-gradation of Telegram bots, which can “completely replace any website.” Helping various types of businesses, the Telegram bots can now be customized to help users with information, take surveys and even process a food order including the payment. The best way to understand this is to try with @DurgerKingBot, which places an example order including a fake payment process.