In its latest version, Telegram has added video call support in Voice Chats, thus enabling group video call after a long time. Also, there’s a screen sharing feature, Noise Suppression, etc., introduced.

Telegram Group Video Calls

Video conferencing has become a critical part of everyone’s lives, especially after the rise of the COVID-19 pandemic. Thus, every popular platform is gradually adding this support to their existing technologies to help users cope with their daily duties. While one-on-one calls helped personal relations to get along, group video calls are the main means of corporate teams and college education. Thus, considering the importance of group video calling, Telegram has finally brought this support in its latest update. This is integrated into Voice Chats – a group audio chat resembling Clubhouse introduced earlier. Telegram adds a Camera button aside from the speaker in Voice Chats, which lets up to 30 people in the participating conversation turn on their videos and talk to each other. This limit will be increased soon, as the number of people who can speak in Voice Chats by audio is unlimited. Further, users can also share their screen alongside the camera feed and have their works shown to the people for a better idea. This new support is tuned accordingly for mobile, desktop, and tablets, with each of them leveraging the space they had to show off the content better. Finally, there’s a Noise Suppression support brought in this latest version, filtering out mild noises out of the feed. This is even made optional, as Telegram lets people turn off the Noise Suppression if they wanted to participate people to hear out noticeable sounds. All these arrived in both iOS and Android clients yesterday. So update your app to try them right away.

Telegram Introduced Group Video Call Support in its Latest Version - 26Telegram Introduced Group Video Call Support in its Latest Version - 48