Considering the History of World Computer Literacy Day, it was originally introduced by the Indian computer brand NIIT and was first observed in 2001. In that era, computers were mostly used by men and rarely by women and children. World Computer Literacy Day was introduced to make more people aware of computers. Every year, the day is celebrated with a unique theme. The theme for this year has yet to be revealed.

Important of World Computer Literacy Day

Despite all the modernizations and advancements we, as a society, are going through, there is still a noticeable digital divide among the masses. The stats for 2021 showed that around half of the globe’s population still needs to be connected to the online world. At the time of the COVID pandemic, the lack of access to computers, the internet and other modern-day tech came into the limelight. These kinds of factors play a major role in establishing the fact of how much importance a day like World Computer Literacy Day holds. To make sure that the message reaches the masses, campaigns and activities are organized all over the world.

What can you do to contribute?

If you are someone who believes in the concept of digital literacy, then you can do your bit by simply making people around you aware of modern technologies. For example, you can teach a trick or two, like keyboard shortcuts or software installation procedures, to increase the productivity of people with their systems. Moreover, letting someone know the basics of computers and digital literacy would be a great step too.