While the former forces users to try the HTTPS versions of a webpage rather than the insecure HTTP mode, the latter feature is about dumping all the cookies when the user enabled the Enhanced Cookie Clearing system.

Firefox V91 New Features

Firefox browser’s new version v91 has significant privacy-focused features brought in by Mozilla. For example, the browser now has an Enhanced Cookie Clearing system, which, if enabled, will flush out all the cookies and supercookies after the session. First introduced in Firefox 86 as the Total Cookie Protection, this will now be triggered automatically when you enable the Strict Tracking Protection in the browser. Apart from this, Mozilla is making the browsing experience safer by loading the HTTPS versions of websites, if available, when the user searches for them. As this is a more secure form than the regular HTTP version, Firefox enables it by default. The same is being followed by Microsoft’s Edge and Google’s Chrome browsers, too, for quite a time. However, while Firefox too has an inbuilt option to force the browser to lookout for HTTPS versions of a website, it’s been an option till now. As it’s now made default, any website you visit will force the browser to lookout for a secure HTTPS version of it and load it. If not available, it will fall back to HTTP mode. Further, Mozilla said browsing websites in private mode would have the new features;

Total Cookie Protection isolates cookies to the site where they were created. Supercookie protections stop supercookies from following you from site to site. Cookies and caches are cleared at the end of every Private Browsing session and aren’t shared with standard windows. Trackers are blocked, including cookies, scripts, tracking pixels, and other resources from domains on Disconnect’s list of known trackers. Many fingerprinting scripts are blocked, according to Disconnect’s list of invasive fingerprinting domains. SmartBlock intelligently fixes up web pages that were previously broken when tracking scripts were blocked.

To browse in Firefox private mode, click Cmd + Shift + P on macOS or Ctrl + Shift + P shortcuts on Windows. Or try going through the hamburger menu (☰) on the top right and choose “New Private Window.”

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