The digital field is growing every year. More and more jobs are opening, companies are constantly looking for SMM managers, copywriters, specialists in SEO and contextual advertising, etc. And according to available data, the share of vacancies in Internet marketing in the world has significantly increased and continues to grow. When choosing your first job in Internet marketing, you should first assess yourself and your abilities adequately. Excessive requirements and expectations about the position and salary can hinder the search for the right job. For example, even good grades at university are not a guarantee of your knowledge. Often students use the help of a tutor or essay help. So take a sensible assessment of the situation – start with junior positions in the company, for example, as a specialist assistant. Starting from scratch and progressing to higher positions, you will learn the operations and structure of the business at all stages. You will also improve your skills, using your own experience and the experience of your colleagues.

How to write a CV

A well-written CV plays a huge role in a successful job search. Here are a few tips to help you create a meaningful CV, even if you don’t have relevant work experience.  Special skills In addition to skills that meet the basic requirements of the job position, CVs often include broad application skills that can be used in a variety of situations. To work in Internet marketing, you need a range of skills for the following tasks:

technical developmentdata collection and analysiscommunication with customers and clientscopywritingvisual content creationacquisition of a new audiencedevelopment of advertising campaigns and PR-actionscontextual and social networking advertisingsite promotionand more

Do you know how to write texts? Run your blog? Feel free to put your content skills on your CV. Can you quickly find an approach to any person and understand how to build business communication? Your communication skills will be in demand because making contacts and relations with potential clients is an indispensable part of the job of an Internet marketer. Your ability to work with a huge amount of data and your analytical mindset is a good starting point for a career in web analytics. Learn how to present your abilities in a good light, and your CV will be noticed. Every experience matters Even if you think you have no experience at all, that’s probably not true. If you have a degree in advertising or marketing, you have probably had student internships in advertising agencies or marketing departments. This is worth mentioning in your CV. Short internships, courses, continuing education programs, volunteering at conferences on relevant topics, or speaking engagements may interest a potential employer. Companies that hire yesterday’s graduates pay attention to the projects the candidate has pursued at university. List your research work, adding a brief description of it. Some job seekers prefer not to include freelance experience in their CVs because they think it may cause skepticism from HR specialists, especially if the desired position involves full-time work in an office. This is not a deterrent for the internet marketing field. In fact, it can show your self-organization and ability to work on a project on your own. To illustrate your experience, make a portfolio of your work:

choose your most successful and fresh projectsbriefly describe their essence, goals, and objectivesexplain your role in the projectillustrate your accomplishments

Even if you don’t have a portfolio of projects, the digital sphere is good because everyone can try his or her hand at it. Start a blog on a topic that interests you and try to gain a small audience. Help your friends promote their business on social networks, create your own website. This way you will not only show your interest but also gain the necessary minimum experience. If you have experience in offline marketing If you’ve already worked in offline marketing, you have a big advantage. Someone who is involved in online marketing must have a good knowledge of sales. Promoting a product online requires a thorough analysis of the market and target audience, just as in traditional marketing. It is also possible to transfer the understanding of the principles of writing sales texts, the skills of working with clients, developing promotion plans, and advertising campaign strategies from offline to online. Many specialists have been able to adapt to the digital sphere and have achieved significant results.  It is experts from offline marketing very often come to us to study a general course of Internet marketing. According to their stories, they no longer evaluate themselves as a full-fledged marketing specialist without knowledge of at least the basics of Internet marketing. How to prepare for a job interview So, your CV is of interest to a potential employer and you are expected for the interview. It is worth preparing thoroughly: 

Carefully study the company’s website and areas of activity. This will make it easier for you to navigate during the interview, and the employer will understand if your goals and the company’s goals are the same. It is important for the employer that the future employee is interested in what the company does.In addition, when hiring in all areas, there is a list of standard questions that you can prepare before the interview. When talking to a job candidate, employers usually ask why you chose this particular field and this company. To answer this question, you need to understand what your goals for the new job are.Tell about yourself – this is a question that confuses even applicants who have had more than one job interview. Prepare a short, brief and honest story. Focus on your competencies and experience that may be useful in the new job, emphasize your strengths. There are many young and open-minded people working in Internet marketing, so communication at the interview may not be as formal as usual. You can also mention your hobbies, talk about your interests. But don’t spread too much about individual facts of your biography. The employer should understand the main thing from this story: whether you are suitable for the position for which you are applying, what you can do as an employee and how you can prove yourself in the new team.

How to get an internship

Not all employers are willing to take the time to train a new professional. If you are not ready to be hired for a position without experience, but you want to develop in this field, try to find a suitable internship.Getting an internship at an advertising agency is not difficult. You’ll need minimal knowledge of advertising, which you can also get from specialized blogs and media, market knowledge, and basic skills.There are options and conditions for internships: short-term or long-term, full-time, flexible schedule, freelance. As a rule, internships are not paid, but it is possible to find companies where you will be willing to be paid based on the results of your work.